Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Eyes Must Be Playing Tricks On Me!!

I cannot believe it! I just cant. A few minutes ago, I picked up my mama's camera... and started browsing the pictures that she just uploaded. She forgot to delete the old ones... and guess what I saw. Apparently this "Fort David" place is a lot like "Camp Vicki". What gives?!?! I cannot believe that my mama doesn't bring me. Her name is officially BATH with me. Anyways, I thought Leroy might want to have some of his pictures from the weekend... because I am nice to my friends and kids... unlike my really mean mama who leaves me when she goes to "Fort David". What did I do to deserve this? Oh the pain... this is what I found. See for yourself, doggies!

Um Aunt Jane... Why do you look sort of mean, sad and angry... did Leroy eat your dessert? Did you have to pet the cat? What gives?

Hey Scotty... Why the long face. Does everyone feel this way? You are hanging with mama aren't you? Where is your spunk?

I said there would be no cats... what is my mama doing taking pictures
of cats? This is getting out of hand! She needs therapy. Aahh... but
that boat... I could really see myself lounging on the back of that one.

I said I wouldn't post human pictures... but I bet this is your Christmas Card.

Nice Model Pose, Leroy!

As You Can See... He is having fun without ME!

My Mama Abandoned Me!

Once again, my mama abandoned me to go to some place called "Fort David". I don't know what it is... I don't remember being there. Apparently my picture hangs in the bumper pool room... but I don't know what that is. Oh well... I don't want to go there anyways... everyone always comes home tired, cranky, and sunburned. At least my grandmother loves me. She took me to "Camp Vicki" and she brought my wife. When I got back from the best place on earth, Leroy was in my house!! Apparently he went to "Fort David". Whats up with that?!? Hey buddy, we've got fish to catch in Round Lake. Geez. I was glad to see him. But don't think you are moving in, buddy. This place is not big enough for the two of us... and I was here first. Arf!!

Before my mama abandoned me, Dais and I had a little freedom time in the front yard. You know I love me some freedom time in the front yard almost as much as belly rubs and doggie sundaes. I was just smellin things and marking things and you know... cruizin the culd-a-sac. Life was good. Then she left me. Evil mother. I won't forget it, either. Awww, I'm just kidding (sort of).

Daisy Has No Shame!
She did her morning "business" in public!!

Checkin Out the Gutters and Soaking Up the Sun!

You Know Us... Always smelling something hoping its edible.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Day In The Life Of Diddy

Diddy thought you all should know what he did today. He spent the afternoon hanging out with Dr. Vick at the pool. After his mama finished up her conference call with some work people, she packed him up and he went to the creek. At the creek, he ran into little Alex who was building a bike park with some pals. Then he came home and got a bath... he was one dirty lab. He says he could have done without the bath, but in the grand scheme of the day... it was tolerable considering his field trip and pool time.

Perfecting his old man laps...

Diddy has the dream life... he hangs out at the pool.

Diddy Likes The Creek... But it is no Round Lake.

Daisy Was Feeling Left Out!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen... Leroy Cornelius.

Here is Leroy! He came to my lake this weekend. He is pretty fun to have along. He is a ball of energy and keeps his mom and dad on their toes. I like his style.

He is hard to keep up with... energy is wasted on the young.

Teething is such a pain. I remember how bad it was. His teeth are sharp!

He found this stick... and just could not put it down.

Even I can see that he is rediculiously good looking!

See what I mean by "Chump"

Seriously, Put the stick down... there are fish in this lake!

He does have spunk!

I am ready to give up on him... he is not good at fishing at all.

Looks like he is getting the hang of it... might be an a-ok fishing buddy after all!

As you can see he is a chump... but man do I love him. He kind of reminds me of my old self. He is growing like a weed. He eats my dinner every time he comes over. He wrecks all of my toys. But guess what... he is still my fourth best doggie friend. That is how much fun we have together. We just end up hanging out and kickin' it! We definitely keep it real. His mama is my Aunt Jane. She takes him to doggie school to learn how to behave. I think he acts just fine the way he is. I keep trying to tell her this, but she just doesn't listen to me. I tell her to save her money for buying dingos and kid cones... so far things are not going well. He is enrolled again. I guess kid cones for every meal is not happening... yet. Aahh, A dog can dream!